Unmet Needs in Singapore
Singapore has poverty, too.
List of Publications
Donaldson, John A., Catherine J. Smith, Balambigai Balakrishnan, Mumtaz Md Kadir, and Sanushka Mudaliar. 2015. “Elderly Population in Singapore: Understanding Social, Physical and Financial Needs.” Singapore: SMU Change Lab, Lien Center for Social Innovation
Smith, Catherine J., John A. Donaldson, Sanushka Mudaliar, Mumtaz Md Kadir, and Lam Keong Yeoh. 2015. “A Handbook on Inequality, Poverty and Unmet Social Needs in Singapore.” Singapore: Singapore Management University, Lien Centre for Social Innovation
Donaldson, John A., Yoganathan S/O Theva and Chong, Esther. 2019. Understanding the Resilience of Cottage Industries in Singapore. Written for the National Heritage Board, Singapore
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